Midsummer Common
The common is home to the annual Midsummer Fair, one of the longest-established fairs in England. It also hosts Bonfire Night and Strawberry Fair.
The common borders the River Cam, houseboats are typically moored on the common's bank and many colleges' boathouses are located on the opposite bank.
Former names for the common include Midsummer Green, Greencoft and Butts Green.
The common is grazed by a herd of Red Poll cattle between April and October each year, in between hosted events.
Much work has been done in recent years to restore the common to how it originally looked, with the planting of new trees of local providence. There has been the recent addition of a community orchard near the Newmarket Road entrance and wild seed planting to increase the biodiversity of the space.
Community group
Friends of Midsummer Common (FoMC) is a group of Cambridge people who want to see good management and responsible use of this ancient grassland.