Isleham Local Nature Reserve
The rich grassland is lined either side with hedgerows consisting of species such as field hawthorn, dogwood and wild privet. The site is a disused railway line, closed in the 1960's. Adjacent to the Local Nature Reserve (LNR) is a large field, also owned by Cambridgeshire County Council and managed by a tenant farmer who welcomes the public to use the field.
The site is open all year round and there is no charge to use the site. Events are held for the public too. The path is of fairly even ground but can become wet in winter. There is a small free carpark.
Isleham is situated about 10 miles South-East from the town of Ely. The reserve is situated about a mile and a half down the Fordham Road and is on the right hand side coming from Isleham.
Community group
Volunteer work parties over winter cut back scrub and sections of the hedge row to uncover more of the chalk grassland areas. Some sections of the bank are also being cleared to create habitat for Solitary bees, wasps and reptiles such as grass snakes and common lizards. A contractor cuts the grassland areas every September, rakes the cuttings and puts them in compost piles around the site.