West Cambs 100s Youth Rangers: butterfly survey

West Cambs 100s Youth Rangers is a series of activities for secondary-age young people to attend independently. There is something most months either on a Saturday morning, or on a Friday during school holidays. It might be a practical task, walk, social event, talk or workshop. These sessions are aimed at young people aged 11-17 interested in local wildlife and global environmental issues. Some activities are free.
For the July sessions, Communities and Education Officer Rebecca Neal will be joined by Wildlife Trust BCN trustee and University of Cambridge butterfly researcher Matt Hayes for a butterfly survey on Trumpington Meadows Nature Reserve. We'll discuss identification tips and survey methods, plus talk about the management of our sites for butterflies and the research that is happening across our nature reserves.
Booking is essential because we need to have parental consent and emergency contact details
Please note:
- toilets will be available at the start and end of the session
- We try to be as inclusive as possible, but this session may not suit every young person, and we cannot provide 1:1 support
- parents/guardians will be asked to fill out a consent form to include relevant issues to help us ensure participants get the most out of the session
- Please refer to our event terms and conditions webpage for details on refunds and cancellations, as well as general information about how we run our events
- The benefits of joining the Wildlife Trust BCN include a reduced rate for events. Family membership is from £5 a month.
Please consider the environment before deciding to drive a long distance to get to this session.
For more information please click here.