Walk, talk and support CPPF

Walk in the woods

This is a great opportunity to find out what the charity is doing to improve the 550 acres of green spaces in our care and how Cambridge PPF patrons support the charity's work to protect the beauty of Cambridge and its environment over the coming years.

While we enjoy a hot drink together after the walk, you can find out how Cambridge PPF patrons help make this work possible by giving an annual gift from £250 and how you can join this special group of people who are helping to care for Cambridge.

In addition to membership benefits, CPPF Patrons also enjoy:

  • Personal updates from the CEO throughout the year on the latest news on our projects

  • Invitation to an exclusive annual Patrons special event

  • Priority invitations to events

  • Site tours of our properties with our knowledgeable estate team

  • Active involvement in our work if you wish

  • Reduced rates for venue hire at our properties

If you are interested in supporting our charitable work (or are already doing so) then please come along. There is no need to book and the event is free of charge. Please wear footwear and clothing for being outdoors. Meet at the large noticeboard near the car park.

To learn more visit: https://www.cambridgeppf.org/Event/walk-support-cppf