The Cambridge Swim Picnic
The Cambridge Swim Picnic isn't a race. It's a social swim and a picnic at Sheep's Green, in the historic city of Cambridge. The only difference is to get to the picnic you have to swim along the idyllic River Cam from the village of Grantchester 2.5km away.
The Cambridge Swim Picnic is part of the Slow Swimming campaign, aimed at encouraging swimmers to take their time and enjoy the opportunity to be out fully immersed in nature. There are no timing chips or results sheets. Everyone who takes part is a winner equally.
Each wave will go off at intervals from 10.15am, but exact start times will not be known until nearer the time as some waves may be split into two to stop overcrowding in the river.
£18.50 for adults and £13.50 for under sixteens.