Owl Pellet Dissection

Join us to dissect an owl pellet at the Wildlife Trust Countryside Centre in Ramsey Heights. Pellets have been retrieved from the Great Fen and you will become a wildlife monitor for the day, reporting back to our team on what species our local owls have been hunting! This is real data that will be used by our conservation team to understand the small mammal population and health of our birds of prey. We will carefully break up the pellet, clean and compile the skeletons inside and identify which species they belong to. Maybe there will be more than one! A great start to your 30 Days Wild!
All materials will be provided for you. We will be working in a small group inside our classroom. When your session has finished, or before it has begun, you are welcome to explore the nature reserve, build dens, go minibeast hunting and bring a picnic.
For more information please click here.